Noise Reducing Double Glazing

High Performing Double Glazed Windows & Doors reduce unwanted External Noise

Do I need Noise Reducing Double Glazing? If you are experiencing Traffic Noise, Construction Noise, Aircraft Noise, Noisy Neighbours or even Barking Dogs, we can provide a Sound Reduction Solution for YOU!!! Reduce the stress of dealing with Unwanted External Noise by installing Double Glazed Windows & Doors from the Double Glazing Masters. Don’t delay and Contact Today!

Book a Noise Reduction Assessment Here


Noise Reducing Glazing - Double Glazing Masters Australia - 1300 326 151

Turn This… 

Into This…

Be prepared to be amazed! There are No Gimmicks, this is the REAL Double Glazing 1000’s of Australian homeowners and businesses switch to for so many benefits, especially Noise Reduction! Do not be fooled by cheap imitations. You may have heard that Double Glazing Reduces Noise, we want to show you how. Check out the videos on our website, sent in by our customers, to prove just how good their Double Glazed Windows and Doors really are.

Sound Reducing Barrier

Unlike Single Glazing, Double Glazing is a far superior material when it comes to reducing external noise. As a general rule, the thicker the glazing, the greater the sound insulation. While Double Glazing is an essential (and far superior) construction material, to reduce unwanted noise, this can be impacted by other factors such as the materials used to construct your walls, floors  and roofs. For example, a weather board constructed house is not going to be as sound efficient as a brick-built property and a property with additional cavity wall insulation is going to greatly reduce your unwanted external noise. Don’t get us started on steel roofs!!!

Reduce Unwanted Outdoor Noise TODAY with Double Glazing Masters

Noise Reduction Solutions

Double Glazed Glass is just one of the many components to be considered when sound proofing your home. Double Glazing Masters provide different solutions to fit both individual needs and budget.

Noise Reducing Glazing

Double Glazing Masters take Noise Reduction seriously! We pride ourselves on our success to date in helping Australian homeowners reduce unwanted external noise in a bit to increase enjoyment of their home.